Pizza Schmizza

Today I woke up around 10:30. Very late for me, but since I stayed up until 2 am last night, I understand why I slept for so long. Immediately after waking, I invited my friend over and, long story short, we ended up in a grocery store parking lot, in the back of a pickup truck, giving away free kittens for almost three hours. On our way out the door I realized I had forgotten breakfast. Two gigantic mugs of coffee had to hold my belly for almost five hours, until I could eat at her house. So, here’s what I’ve eaten today:

  • two mugs of coffee w/soymilk
  • small bowl of borsch (vegetable soup) with dollop of low fat sour cream
  • two slices of cheese pizza
  • half a slice of bread with homemade, full-sugar strawberry preserves

Oy. I’m not used to eating that much just for lunch. But I’ve practically never skipped breakast in my life so I was hangry! I could easily eat more- aye, that’s my weakness- but I’m going to be strong and resist eating more, because I know I don’t need any more. Right now I’m wondering if I should skip dinner. It’s hardly possible to count the calories in what I’ve eaten today, so I don’t know. If there’s something healthy to eat later on I will most likely eat.

OK well, enough about me, have a nice day bloggies! And everyone else who might read this post. (Yes hmm I’m aware I have many many followers.) 😉

RIP Michael Jackson.

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